Edited - TP tercer año.docx

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EES N°41.TRABAJO N°7 DE INGLÉS 3° AÑO. Prof.M. Belén Prokopczuk Nombre completo: Fecha de entrega: 16 de agosto mail para consultas:​[email protected] 1) Vocabulary: write the following words under the corresponding picture. NOISE- BEACH- SUNBATHE- SWIM- SKY

swin sumbathe noise

………………………. ………………………… ,..........................




……………………….. ……………………….

3) Choose the best title for this story. a) A Strange Object in the Sky. b) Megan’s Holidays. c) An Object that Changes Colours.

​4) Read the story again and write TRUE or FALSE. 1. Megan was swimming.


true Andy and Peter were buying an ice-cream. true The object was invisible after two hours. false

2. The incident happened last month. 3. 4.

5. The object changed colours.


4 5 3


5) Read the text again and choose the correct answer. a. Where were Megan and her friends last month? 1. in the mountains 2. at the beach ​ b.​ What was Megan doing? 1. She was sunbathing 2. She was swimming ​ c. ​Why did they look up? 1. Because they heard a scream. 2. Because they heard a noise. ​d. ​What was Peter's reaction? 1. He called the police.

2. He ran out of the sea.

​ e. ​Did the object change colours? 1. Yes, it did.

2. No, it didn´t.

​ f. ​What were they doing when the object changed to red? 1. They were swimming.

2. They were looking at the object.

g. ​Was the object moving slowly when it became invisible? 1. Yes, the object was moving slowly. 2. No, the object was moving fast. PASADO CONTINUO VS PASADO SIMPLE. Usamos el ​Pasado Continuo ​para describir una acción que estaba ocurriendo en el pasado cuando fue interrumpida por otra acción. Ejemplo: ​I was watching TV when the telephone rang. Yo estaba mirando TV (pasado continuo) cuando el teléfono sonó (pasado simple) Para acción en progreso se utiliza el ​Pasado Continuo ​y para la acción que interrumpió se utiliza el Pasado Simple.

EL PASADO CONTINUO AFIRMATIVO SE FORMA DE LA SIGUIENTE MANERA: SUJETO + VERBO TO BE EN EL PASADO (WAS o WERE)+ VERBO CON -ING. Ej: She was listening to music.​ (Ella estaba escuchando música) I was cooking dinner.​ (Yo estaba cocinando la cena) EL PASADO CONTINUO NEGATIVO SE FORMA DE LA SIGUIENTE MANERA:


WASN¨T es la forma reducida de WAS NOT WEREN'T es la forma reducida de WERE NOT Cuando el verbo termina en -e y agregamos -ing, se debe quitar la -e final, por ejemplo: She (ride)...........................................a bike. She was riding a bike.​ (Ella estaba andando en bicicleta)

Recordemos también con qué personas usamos WAS y con cuáles usamos WERE.

A ​WHILE ​le sigue un verbo en ​Pasado Continuo​ (acción en progreso). A ​WHEN​ le sigue un verbo en ​Pasado Simple​ (acción que interrumpió). 6) Complete the sentences using Past Continuous or Past Simple. a) Megan ____________________________(have) fun with her friends when a strange object ____________________ (appear) in the sky. b) The object____________________________ (become) red while the people __________________________________ (watch) it. c) When the UFO ____________________________ (disappear), it ________________________________(fly) fast. d) Nobody___________________ (can) explain it because they _________________ (have) an astonishing experience.
Edited - TP tercer año.docx

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