The Ultimate Calisthenics Workout Plan

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The Ultimate Calisthenics Workout Plan Beginner Week 1-2 Ladders (1, 2, 3 … 6 … 3, 2, 1) Day 1 Full-Body

Day 2 Push/Pull

Day 3 Legs/Core

Push-ups (Hands elevated)

Rows (bent knees)


Rows (bent knees)


Calf Raises


Let Me In’s

Side Lunges

Tucked V-up

Bench Triceps Dips


Week 3-4 Intervals (8-12 reps) Day 1 Full-Body

Day 2 Push/Pull

Day 3 Legs/Core

Push-ups (hands elevated)

Negative Pull-up (3-5sec)

Bulgarian Split Lunges

Rows (bent knees)

Negative Dip (3-5 sec)

Sumo Squats

Box Jumps

Rows (legs bent)

Tucked V-up

Hanging Leg Raise (Bent Knees)

Bench Triceps Dips

Calf Raises

Week 5-6 Supersets (A: 3-5; B: 8-12) Day 1 Full-Body

Day 2 Push/Pull

Day 3 Legs/Core

A: Negative Pull-up (3-5sec) B: Push-ups (hands elevated)

A: Dips B: Push-ups (hands elevated)

A: Box Jumps B: Sumo Squats

A: Box Jumps B: Lunges

A: Chin-ups B: Wide grip rows

A: Jackknives B: Sit ups

A: Burpees (+ Push-up) B: Plank 30sec

A: Clapping Push-up B: Rows

A: Side Lunges B: Single leg Calf raise

Week 7-8 Maximal Strength (3-6reps) Day 1 Full-Body

Day 2 Push/Pull

Day 3 Legs/Core



Negative Pistol Squat



Box Jumps

Negative Pistol Squat (3-5 sec)

Diamond Grip Push-up

Single Leg Calf Raise

Hanging Leg Raise

Rows in Chin-up Grip

Hanging Leg Raise

Week 9 Random Day 1 Full-Body (Circuit)

Day 2 Push/Pull (Supersets)

Day 3 Legs/Core (Ladders)


A: Pull-ups B: Push-ups

Sumo Squats

Rows (legs bent)

A: Dips B: Rows (legs bent)


Tucked V-up

A: Clapping Push-ups B: Let Me In’s

Calf Raises

Push-ups (hands elevated)


Note: Do each exercise for 15sec then rest for 45sec. Do 4 rounds in total!

Week 10 Random Day 1 Full-Body (Intervals)

Day 2 Push/Pull (Circuit)

Day 3 Legs/Core (Supersets)



A: Pistol Squat (Wall support) B: Jumping Squats



A: Hanging Leg Raise B: Mountain Climbers (30sec)


Let Me In’s

A: Single Leg Calf Raise B: Sumo Squats


Bench Triceps Dip

Intermediate Week 1-2 Ladders Day 1 Push/Pull

Day 2 Legs/Core

Day 3 Push/Pull

Day 4 Legs/Core


Bulgarian Split Squats

Negative Pull-up (3-4 sec)

Negative Pistol Squat (3-4 sec)


Tucked V-up

Negative Dip (3-4 sec)


Let Me In’s

Sumo Squats

Bent Leg Rows

Hanging Leg Raise (Bent Knees)

Bench Trizeps Dips

Calf Raises

Push-ups (Hands Elevated)


Week 3-4 Intervals Day 1 Push

Day 2 Legs

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Core

Push-ups (Hands elevated)

Rows (bent knees)


Hanging Leg Raise (Bent Knees)

Rows (bent knees)


Calf Raises

Russian Twists


Let Me In’s

Side Lunges

Tucked V-up

Tucked V-up

Bench Triceps Dips


Mountain Climbers

Week 5-6 Supersets Day 1 Push

Day 2 Legs

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Core

A: Dips B: Push-ups

A: Assisted Pistol Squat (hands at the wall) B: Jumping Squats

A: Pull-ups B: Rows (Chin-up grip)

A: Hanging Leg Raise B: Russian Twists

A: Wide Grip Push-ups (feet elevated) B: Bench Triceps Dip

A: Side Lunges B: Sumo Squats

A: Negative Chin-ups B: Wide Grip Rows

A: Back Extensions B: Arch-ups

A: Push-ups B: Burpees

A: Single Leg Calf Raises B: Lunges

A: Rows B: Let Me In’s

A: Jackknives B: Russian Twists

Week 7-8 Maximal Strength (3-6 reps) Day 1 Push

Day 2 Legs

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Core


Pistol Squats (Wall assist)

Wide Grip Pull-ups

Hanging Leg Raise

Pike Push-ups

Box Jumps



Wide Grip Deep Push-ups (Put both hands on a box so you can go further down)

Single Leg Calf Raise


Back Extension (+ Weights - hold a heavy backpack in your hands)

Clapping Push-ups

Side Lunges

Rows (Chin-up grip)

Lying Windshield Wipers

Week 9 Random Day 1 Push Circuit (30 sec rest & 3 rounds)

Day 2 Legs Ladders

Day 3 Pull Supersets

Day 4 Core Intervals

Dips (10sec)

Jumping Squats

A: Wide Grip Pull-up B: Rows

Hanging Leg Raise

Wide Grip Push-ups (10sec)

Negative Pistol Squats (3sec per rep)

A: Skin the Cat B: Rows (Chin-up Grip)

Lying Windshield Wipers

Bench Triceps Dips (10 sec)


A: Chin Ups B: Let me In’s

Tucked V-up

Plank to Push-ups (10sec)

Sumo Squats

Mountain Climbers (30sec)

Week 10 Random Day 1 Push Supersets

Day 2 Legs Intervals

Day 3 Pull Ladders

Day 4 Core Circuit 30 sec rest between exercises, do 3 rounds

A: Ring Dip (or Wide Grip Dips) B: Wide Grip Push-ups

Negative Pistol Squats (3sec per rep)


Jackknives (10 sec)

A: Straight Bar Dip B: Plank to Push-up

Side Lunges

Negative Wide Grip Pull-ups (3sec per rep)

Russian Twists (holding heavy backpack in your hands) (10sec)

A: Elevated Pike Push-ups B: Bench Triceps Dip

Bulgarian Split Squats

Skin the cat (only go up to 4-5 repetitions)

Windshield Wipers (10 sec)

Single Leg Calf Raises


Mountain Climbers (15 sec)

Advanced Week 1-2 Ladders Day 1 Push/Pull

Day 2 Legs/Core

Day 3 Push/Pull

Day 4 Legs/Core

Day 5 Full Body/Cardio


Rows (bent


Hanging Leg



Raise (Bent Knees)

Ring Dips


Calf Raises

Russian Twists



Let Me In’s

Side Lunges

Tucked V-up


Straight Bar Dips

Bench Triceps Dips


Mountain Climbers

Step-up Jumps

Week 3-4 Intervals Day 1 Push

Day 2 Core

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Legs

Day 5 Advanced (5-6 repetitions)

Handstand Practice (10min)

Hanging Leg Raise

Front/Backlever Progressions (10 min)

Pistol Squats

Handstand Push-up (wall support)

Wide Grip Ring Dips

Weighted Back Extension

Wide Grip Pull-up

Box jumps from sitting position

Skin the Cat


Windshield Wipers


Single Leg Calf Raise

Tucked Planche Push-ups

Pseudo Planche Push-ups

Inverted Sit-ups (Alternative = Jackknives)

Skin the Cat (only 5-8 repetitions)

Side Lunges

Dragon Flags

Clapping Push-ups


Negative Muscle Ups

Week 5-6 Supersets Day 1 Push

Day 2 Core

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Legs

Day 5 Advanced (5-6 repetitions)

Handstand Practice (10 Min)

A: Dragon Flags B: Windshield Wipers

Handstand Practice (10 Min)

A: Single Leg Box Jump + Pistol Squat on Top B: Burpees

A: Muscle Ups B: Skin the cat (5-7 slow reps)

A: Tucked Planche Push-ups B: Ring Dip

A: Hanging Leg Raise B: Jackknives

A: Archer Pull-ups B: Rows

A: Pistol Squats B: Side Lunges

A:Slide to tuck Planche (​video​) B: Elevated Pike Push-ups

A: Clapping Push-ups B: Dips

A: Weighted Back Extensions

A: Skin The Cat in rings (extend your legs as far

A: Uphill Sprint (10sec) B: Single Leg

A: Dragon Flags B: Hanging Leg Raise

B: Arch-ups A: Straight Bar Dip B: Deep Push-ups

out as possible) B: L-Sit Chin-up

Calf Raises

A: Wide Grip Pull-up B: Negative Pull-ups (3-5 sec)

Week 7-8 Maximal Strength (3-6 reps) Day 1 Push

Day 2 Core

Day 3 Pull

Day 4 Legs

Day 5 Advanced

10 Min Handstand Practice & 5x Planche Hold (use an adequate progression!)

Hanging Leg Raise (+ Ankle weights/ Backpack around your legs

Frontlever Holds (5x)

Box Jumps (find a box/wall above hip height)

Planche Holds

Wall assisted deep handstand Push-ups (Use two small boxes & face the wall with your belly)

Back Archer Pull-up Extension (Hold Back-pack with straight arms in front)

Horizontal Long Jumps

Front Lever Holds

One Arm Push-ups

Hanging Windshield Wipers (​video​)

Pistol Squats (use wobbly surface; eg pillow/balance ball or board)

Back Lever Holds

Bulgarian Ring Dips

Jackknives (+ Wide Grip Ankle Weights) Pull-up (+ Heavy Back-pack)

Sprint Uphill (10 sec)

Muscle Ups

Straight bar dips (focus on moving your elbows down until they are parallel to the bar)

Backlever Holds (5x)

Explosive Pull-up (Chest to the Bar!)

L-sit Chin-up (+ 3sec hold at the top)

Dragon Flags

Week 9 Random Day 1 Push Circuit

Day 2 Core Intervals

Day 3 Pull Ladders

Day 4 Legs Supersets

Day 5 Advanced Intervals (5-6rep)

Handstand Practice (10min)

Dragon Flags

3 Frontlever Holds 3 Backlever Holds (2min rest between each hold)

A: Single Leg Box Jump + Pistol Squat on top B: Jumping Squats

Muscle Ups

Ring Dips (15sec)

Hanging Leg Raise

Wide Grip Pull-up

A: Box Jumps (above hip height!) B: Side Lunges

Front & Backlever holds (chose a progression that you can hold for more than 5 sec

Straight Bar Dip (15 sec)

Lying windshield wipers

Chin-ups (Heavy Backpack)

A: Uphill Sprint (15sec) B: Single Leg Calf Raises

Tucked Planche Push-ups

Planche hold (Advanced Tuck) 5-8sec

Jackknives (+ ankle weights)

Skin the Cat in Rings

Handstand Push-up (wall support) 10 sec

Dragon Flag raises


45 sec rest between each exercise 4 rounds

Week 10 Random Day 1 Push Supersets

Day 2 Core Ladders

Day 3 Pull Intervals (5-6 rep)

Day 4 Legs Intervals

Day 5 Advanced Circuit

Handstand Practice (5min) 3 Max Planche holds (rest 2 min between each attempt)

Hanging Leg Raises

3 Frontlever holds 3 Backlever holds (2 min rest between each attempt)

Handstand Practice 10min

Slide to tucked Planche ​(video​) 15 sec

A: Bulgarian Ring Dips B: Bodyweight Triceps Extension

Tucked Hanging Windshield Wipers

Archer Pull-ups

Pistol Squats

Ice Cream Makers (10 sec) (​video​)

A: Deep Straight bar dips B: Deep Push-ups

Back Extensions

Skin the cat in rings (stay in advanced tuck!)

Uphill Sprints (3 rounds of 15sec)

Dragon Flags (15 sec)

A: Tucked Planche Dips B: Pseudo Planche Push-ups

Jackknives (+ Ankle weights)

Wide Grip Pull-ups (+ heavy backpack)

Box Jumps (at least hip height)

Muscle-ups (3-5 reps)

Chin-ups (+ Heavy Backpack)

Single Leg Calf Raises (No wall-support + 3 sec hold at the top)

Do 4 rounds & Rest 45 sec between each exercise!
The Ultimate Calisthenics Workout Plan

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